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Fabio, Sport Masseur
Doctor Hamer: The Special Biological Program SBS/SBP
Doctor R. G. Hamer EN Official Group

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Doctor Hamer: The Special Biological Program SBS/SBP      June 21st, 2014   I know there is a lot of confusion about the abbreviations used in the GNM and I feel it is important that we have some clarity with respect to what they actually mean.

In my last blog, I explained the terminology that we use in the GNM, at least within the second biological law. However, there is more, and those of you that have decided to embrace the GNM also wish to understand the other associated terminology.

Doctor Hamer: The Special Biological Program SBS/SBP

The abbreviation SBS can be confusing to people that are unable to understand how it got to that abbreviation from German. It should really be SBP which stands for Special Biological Program. Instead it has been interpreted as “Significant Biological SpecialProgram” which when abbreviated became SBS to accommodate the translator.

Doctor Hamer: The Special Biological Program SBS/SBP

Originally, Dr. Hamer called this a “Meaningful Special Biological Program” (MSBP) of nature. A mouthful to be sure, so it really needed to be more concise. I’m sure over time this will all change as we “fine tune” exactly what Dr. Hamer is trying to convey to us and the related new terminology.

So what is this SBP all about? Actually, it is a very significant discovery and it involves the Fifth Biological Law, the “Quintessence”.

The Fifth Biological Law states that every disease known to man, outside of poisoning, is the result of a biological program that is in essence really meant to ensure our survival.

This biological program will be expressed by the body in either the conflict active phase or in the healing phase of a so called disease state.

Dr. Hamer feels that we should not refer to these changes as a disease, but rather as a Special Biological Program that is taking place. However, until the rest of the world is caught up in the new way of thinking, we will still refer to these conditions as a “disease”, otherwise we are in danger of creating an exclusive little club.

Let’s face it if someone has an irritating skin rash and a GNM practitioner told them this was because they had a SBP going on, they would immediately think “this person is really out there” and dismiss anything we have to say. Not to mention that the Biological Meaning in the case of a skin rash is during the conflict active phase goes unnoticed from the physical standpoint. Such a comment would be completely misunderstood unless they had some solid knowledge of GNM.

A good example of a SBP is what we commonly call “fluid retention”. This condition is more common than most people realize. In my practice most of my clients have this condition. Fluid retention is the result of what we call a “Kidney Collecting Tubule” conflict.

This kidney conflict will develop with a DHS that has threatened our survival. The result is fluid retention because our bodies go into “survival mode” where at one time in our evolutionary development it was biologically necessary to retain water to help us to survive.

Since our bodies are comprised mainly of water, when our survival is threatened we can dehydrate. For example, if we somehow get stuck in the middle of a desert, this survival mode will kick in immediately and in an instant we will become thirsty and have a dry mouth and simultaneously we will also retain as much fluid as possible systemically to help us to survive longer under such a life threatening circumstance.

What Dr. Hamer has observed is that as soon as we go into “survival mode” we automatically retain fluid. This explains why when someone has been told that they have a short time to live or are put into either isolation or ICU in the hospital that their ankles swell.

Conventional medicine sees this as the “beginning of the end” because kidney function is compromised, when in fact this is a biological reaction to help us to survive longer. This of course can become very serious if both kidneys are in this survival mode. This is a condition that is commonly known as kidney failure. Within the context of the GNM, that means that in this case we also have two survival conflicts which are affecting both kidneys.

Our bodies speak volumes through the symptoms we experience, so it is imperative that we try to understand what it is telling us in order for us to solve our conflicts to regain our health.


Doctor Hamer: The Special Biological Program SBS/SBP Doctor Hamer: The Special Biological Program SBS/SBP Doctor Hamer: The Special Biological Program SBS/SBP Doctor Hamer: The Special Biological Program SBS/SBP Doctor Hamer: The Special Biological Program SBS/SBP Doctor Hamer: The Special Biological Program SBS/SBP Doctor Hamer: The Special Biological Program SBS/SBP Doctor Hamer: The Special Biological Program SBS/SBP Doctor Hamer: The Special Biological Program SBS/SBP Doctor Hamer: The Special Biological Program SBS/SBP Doctor Hamer: The Special Biological Program SBS/SBP Doctor Hamer: The Special Biological Program SBS/SBP 

Fabio, Sport Masseur
Doctor Hamer: GNM Terminology
Doctor R. G. Hamer EN Official Group

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 Doctor Hamer: GNM Terminology        June 14th, 2014    In the last blog I talked about laterality. Today I would like to clear up some of the new terminology that we use in the GNM.

Most of the new terminology can be found in Dr. Hamer’s diagram of the second biological law, “The Law of Two Phases” so I will begin with that. As a matter of fact, Dr. Hamer has allowed me to use the diagram for my logo on the home page of the GNM Online Seminars web site as well as my original web site


Doctor Hamer: GNM Terminology


Doctor Hamer: GNM Terminology


The first new term involves the moment in time we have a biological shock or unanticipated event. Dr. Hamer has called this event “Dirk Hamer Syndrome” in honor of his son who died tragically at the hands of the Italian Crown Prince in 1978.

This unanticipated event was the biological shock responsible for the development of Dr. Hamer’s testicular teratoma. We now use the abbreviation DHS to represent that moment in time the conflict shock occurred.

From the moment of the DHS we go into the first phase which is called the Sympathicotonia. This is the stress phase which will continue until you resolve what occurred at the DHS. We experience this phase naturally during the day to various degrees and it lasts from sunrise to sundown. However, when we have the DHS, the stress is amplified and spills over into the night time phase when we should be getting rest.

The actual term “sympaticotonia” refers to the simultaneous involvement of the “sympathetic nervous system” which reacts the moment that we are in a stress phase. Along with this stress phase, we have a set of symptoms which indicate that we just had a DHS.

This stress phase, or “conflict active phase” as we like to call it in the GNM, is also known as the “cold phase” because of all of the related symptoms, like cold extremities, poor appetite, waking at 3 AM and elevated blood pressure just to name a few.

This is the phase where we will develop organic changes such as certain cancers known as adenocarcinomas or functional disturbances such as an MS or diabetes. It is also in this phase that a mental disorder or psychosis will present itself. However in the case of psychosis there are other criteria that need to be fulfilled before it will develop.


The Vagotonia


When we solve the DHS, we automatically go into the second phase, the Vagotonia which means that the vagus nerve has now been activated along with the parasympathetic nervous system to “rest and digest”.

The vagotonia naturally occurs in the night time and takes place between sundown and sunrise. However, when we resolve a conflict we have entered into the “healing phase” which has now crossed over into the day time phase. We will experience this on a 24 hour basis until it runs its course.

Here we experience the “hot phase” and the accompanying symptoms include warm extremities, good appetite, and normal blood pressure and in some cases, inflammation and fever. However in this case we will have trouble getting to sleep until around 3 AM. Approximately 60% of all our so called diseases including some types of cancers will present themselves in the healing phase. A good example of a healing phase is the onset of the flu.

This changeover from stress to healing is called the Conflictolysis which means that we have released the conflict. In the diagram it is represented by CL.

The CL brings us into the first half of the Vagotonia or “healing phase” which we call PCL phase A, which refers to “post conflictolysis” meaning after the conflict release or resolution.

The next step in the healing phase is the Epileptic/ Epileptoid Crisis, which can be a serious event depending on what part of the brain/ organ that was affected by the DHS.

This event is actually a “healing crisis” and is necessary in order to successfully go into the PCL Phase B, the second half of the Vagotonia. Otherwise we get stuck and never fully go through the healing phase.

This healing crisis is a necessary event if we are going to completely heal. As a matter of fact, nature has organized this in such a way that this turning point is our way back to normalcy orEutonia, where our symptoms abate and we feel well again.

To simplify:

DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome) = the moment of the unanticipated conflict shock

Sympathicotonia = the (cold) stress phase

CL (conflictolysis) = conflict resolution

Vagotonia = the (hot) healing phase

PCL Phase A = the beginning of vagotonia and the first half of the healing phase

Epileptic/ Epileptoid Crisis = the “healing crisis” which occurs in the mid-point of the vagotonia

PCL Phase B = the second half of the vagotonia or healing phase which can only be achieved by going through the Epileptic/ epileptoid crisis

Eutonia = normalcy

SBS = Special Biological Program – which should actually be named “SBP”, however the translator of the chart into English neglected to consider that the abbreviation changes with the translation. We hope to set the record straight on this with the next version of the Scientific Chart.



Doctor Hamer: GNM Terminology . Doctor Hamer: GNM Terminology . Doctor Hamer: GNM Terminology . Doctor Hamer: GNM Terminology . Doctor Hamer: GNM Terminology . Doctor Hamer: GNM Terminology . Doctor Hamer: GNM Terminology . Doctor Hamer: GNM Terminology . Doctor Hamer: GNM Terminology . Doctor Hamer: GNM Terminology . Doctor Hamer: GNM Terminology . Doctor Hamer: GNM Terminology . Doctor Hamer: GNM Terminology . Doctor Hamer: GNM Terminology . 

Fabio, Sport Masseur
Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important?
Doctor R. G. Hamer EN Official Group

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Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important?     May 30th, 2014    Most of you that are following my blog already know something about the GNM and what laterality is all about within the context of Dr. Hamer’s findings. However, for those of you that have just discovered this “new way of thinking” the terminology we use must sound very strange indeed. I will begin with “laterality” which really means what your natural handedness is from the moment you are born.


Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important?


Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important?

Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important?


Our handedness is determined literally the moment we are conceived and although we can train ourselves to use the left or right hand, our true “laterality” is really dependent on how our brain is wired.

Most of us, approximately 80% are right handed according to Dr. Hamer. The other 20% are naturally left handers. The problem is that most of us were forced to use our right hands when we first began to learn how to draw or write. As a matter of fact, in the old Catholic school system, the nuns used to make sure that a child would only use it’s right hand to write, and if they refused, would be considered to be in league with the devil!

My parent’s generation found it to be completely unacceptable to use one’s left hand in the performance of tasks. My mother wrote with her right hand although she was born a left hander and many people even today will still follow the old rule rather than use their “strong” hand naturally to write.

Why is it so important to know whether a person is wired as a left or right hander? This was never addressed in medicine prior to the discovery of the Five Biological Laws.

  1. Our handedness will help us to determine the relationship problem that was responsible for certain physical manifestations such as skin conditions, musculo-skeletal problems such as arthritis, and even certain types of cancers such as ovarian, breast, testicular and skin cancers to mention a few. In these cases, our laterality will determine which body side will respond to the conflict.
  2. When we experience a biological conflict specifically in the cerebral cortex, our handedness is going to determine what hemisphere will be affected with the first, second and third conflicts.

To determine a person’s true laterality there are some very simple tests that we can do to confirm this.

The most common way to determine your laterality is to clap your hands together as if you were applauding at a performance, and observe which hand is comfortably on top of the other doing the clapping. However, this method is not always accurate and over time we have had to look in other directions to help us out.

Other good ways to determine a person’s handedness is to ask them to put their feet together and ask them to take a step forward. The foot that initiates the forward step is considered to be the leading foot. In other words, the foot you lead with is the side of the body that is the strongest.

Another test is to ask where one would cradle a baby’s head in their arm. A right hander would naturally cradle a baby’s head in their left arm and a left hander in their right arm and in each case, they would support the baby’s bottom with their “strong” arm.

In all of these tests we look for the spontaneous response. In other words, we look for the response that comes naturally.

There are other ways of course, but too numerous to list in a blog.

Rule: In a right handed person, the left side of the body will respond to issues that are the result of mother/ child problems. The right side of the body will respond to issues with partner.

A left hander will respond with the opposite side of the body.

I’m sure now you understand why it is so important to make sure a person’s laterality is accurate. If it is not accurate, we can look in the wrong direction for the conflict shock and when we are dealing with a serious condition this can be the difference between a person that gets positive results using this system and a person that doesn’t get results.

Fact: No one is truly ambidextrous. Ambidexterity is learned the same way one trains to play an instrument using both hands. I found from my own observations that people who claim to be ambidextrous are really naturally wired as a left hander!

Fact: When identical twins are conceived, one is a left hander and the other is a right hander. They are literally mirror images or each other. Sometimes they will both use the same hand to write, draw or use utensils. This is because one is copying the other!

Fact: From the moment we are conceived our laterality is firmly established. We will always remain either a right or left hander. Nothing will ever change that.



Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important? Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important? Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important? Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important? Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important? Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important? Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important? Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important? Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important? Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important? Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important? Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important? Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important? Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important? Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important? Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important? Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important? Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important? Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important? Doctor Hamer: Why is laterality important? 

Fabio, Sport Masseur
Doctor Hamer: Treatment in the GNM
Doctor R. G. Hamer EN Official Group

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Doctor Hamer: Treatment in the GNM; May 14th 2014    The question I am asked the most is about what kind of treatment is involved in the GNM.
Some people believe that the GNM is about “mind-body medicine”. However that term does it a great injustice.


Doctor Hamer: Treatment in the GNM


Doctor Hamer: Treatment in the GNM

The discovery of the five biological laws is really more along the lines of a new natural science. For the first time in the history of medicine we can explain the origin of disease and understand that what we interpret as an illness or disease is not a mistake of nature. To find a “cure” we don’t have to try to find a way to manipulate this or that gene to “correct” the problem or even find the miracle drug that will cure cancer once and for all.

The answer to dealing with all of our so called illnesses is within ourselves and understanding what event in our life’s experience gave us the physical response.

Sure, we can use remedies to make ourselves more comfortable and to try an alleviate symptoms, but they are not the cure.

A complete and long lasting healing comes about when we allow the biological conflict shock responsible for the physical condition, to be recognized and understood. Otherwise, even though a condition may have run its course, we can face a relapse if this process remains unacknowledged.

That brings me to the second most asked question and that is, “is the GNM about psychotherapy?” The answer is no. The GNM is not about psychotherapy where the patient just talks about their problem.

There is no therapy involved in the GNM. (yes, if a Psychotherapist studies in 2 years, the 5 Biological Laws to apply them to the patients) The process we use is very precise and directed, where we look for the moment in a person’s experience that the biological program was set into motion and the physical body responded.

The amazing thing about this particular approach is that when we are dealing with chronic conditions, which are mostly really prolonged healing phases (60% of all of our so called illnesses only occur when the conflict shock is solved), the moment we find the conflict shock a physical shift takes place and in many cases an immediate alleviation of symptoms!

In other cases, if the physical problem is caused by conflict activity, for example a functional problem like MS, or a blood sugar problem, it must pass through the healing phase before healing is completed.

Our approach is not random. It is directed by what Dr. Hamer discovered to be the exact biological conflict that unleashes these special biological programs of nature. His Scientific Chart helps us to determine what kind of unanticipated situation is responsible for the onset of a so called disease.

Every health concern (outside of poisoning), known to man is caused by a specific kind of biological conflict so the GNM consultant already knows what kind of unanticipated event to look for.




Doctor Hamer: Treatment in the GNM Doctor Hamer: Treatment in the GNM Doctor Hamer: Treatment in the GNM Doctor Hamer: Treatment in the GNM Doctor Hamer: Treatment in the GNM Doctor Hamer: Treatment in the GNM Doctor Hamer: Treatment in the GNM Doctor Hamer: Treatment in the GNM Doctor Hamer: Treatment in the GNM Doctor Hamer: Treatment in the GNM Doctor Hamer: Treatment in the GNM Doctor Hamer: Treatment in the GNM Doctor Hamer: Treatment in the GNM 

Fabio, Sport Masseur
GNM: Environmental poisons and cancer
Doctor R. G. Hamer EN Official Group

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 GNM: Environmental poisons and cancer;     April 30th 2014  Over the years cancer researchers have looked at many different possibilities for the onset of cancer. The most obvious, a biological shock, which is what Dr. Hamer discovered, has never been taken seriously.  Instead of looking to the individual’s personal experience, researchers have concentrated on an external source for the cancer. Or they blame it on a “mistake of nature”.


GNM: Environmental poisons and cancer


GNM: Environmental poisons and cancer


When Dr. Hamer is asked about what causes a disease, his answer is “the DHS is responsible for the onset of all diseases, outside of poisoning”. However in this case we must differentiate between the toxicity levels which can “poison” an individual and they subsequently die or they have a build up of toxins in their system that have destroyed specific cells in their body.

In the world of cancer research it has been suggested that certain “carcinogens” such as PCB’s, dioxin, or formaldehyde cause cancer.

Wikipedia defines that “a carcinogen is any substance, radionuclide, or radiation that is an agent directly involved in causing cancer”.

Dr. Hamer agrees that extreme radiation toxicity, such as the amount of radiation a person is exposed to in a nuclear disaster, can cause what we know as cancers down the line, meaning eventually. However certain criteria must be fulfilled that are also dictated by the second biological law, “The Law of Two Phases”.

We already know that radiation degenerates cells, as a matter of fact radiation is a recognized cancer treatment used by conventional medicine. Radiation is also used in “destroying” thyroid function if someone has an over active thyroid. But how does it cause cancer?

According to what Dr. Hamer discovered, the radiation destroys specific cells in the body, that when the radiation levels decrease systemically and the body tries to recover from the damage, we can be presented with specific diseases.

For example, if those cells happen to be from the middle germ layer (new mesoderm) such as our skeletal structure, they can “react” in the same way as a DHS which is related to a conflict of self-devaluation.

A deep self-devaluation conflict shock affects the bone marrow during the conflict active phase by degenerating or destroying the cells which are responsible for blood production.

When those cells begin to recover from the damage, be it through conflict activity or through extreme radiation exposure, the person will develop what we know as leukemia with a “start up” of blood production through a proliferation of immature blasts which are mistakenly seen to be a “blood cancer”!

About 12 years ago a study out of Italy stated that microwaves generated by a cell phone that a woman carries either in her pocket or in her hand bag on a constant basis was responsible for ovarian cysts and possibly sterility in women.

How does one explain that within the context of the GNM?

If we observe this with GNM eyes then we know that the ovaries are derived from the middle germ layer (as is the skeletal structure). During conflict activity, the cells necrotize (degenerate) and as a result, the woman may eventually not be able to ovulate and be considered “sterile”.

Microwaves are able to “mimic” conflict activity by degeneration of the ovarian tissue, hence stopping ovulation. When the exposure to microwaves stops, the ovaries are given a chance to recover and ovarian cysts will develop.

So, we can now understand how a “carcinogen” such as radiation and microwaves affect the body.

I had an interesting conversation today which prompted me to blog about carcinogens. The question I was asked was in regard to prostate cancer being associated with high level of PCB’s.

Bearing in mind what I have just explained, I asked the person the question, “when the body goes through a detoxification for this environmental poison, is the prostate cancer reversed?”

The answer is “no it cannot be reversed because it was not caused by the PCB’s in his system. The prostate cancer is  caused by shock-conflict”.

It is also important to note that a poisoning does not register on the brain, in which case a condition caused by a poison would not be visible on a Catscan as a target ring configuration.



GNM: Environmental poisons and cancer  GNM: Environmental poisons and cancer  GNM: Environmental poisons and cancer  GNM: Environmental poisons and cancer  GNM: Environmental poisons and cancer  GNM: Environmental poisons and cancer  GNM: Environmental poisons and cancer  GNM: Environmental poisons and cancer  GNM: Environmental poisons and cancer  GNM: Environmental poisons and cancer  GNM: Environmental poisons and cancer  GNM: Environmental poisons and cancer  GNM: Environmental poisons and cancer  GNM: Environmental poisons and cancer  GNM: Environmental poisons and cancer  

Fabio, Sport Masseur
Doctor R. G. Hamer: Tracks that trigger
Doctor R. G. Hamer EN Official Group

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Doctor R. G. Hamer: Tracks that trigger;  April 22nd 2014  Tracks act as triggers that keep a condition chronic.;
Imagine all the elements that we experience at the moment we have a DHS. There are literally billions of bits of information flying at us that very moment. Thankfully not all those bits will register or we would be in trouble!


Doctor R. G. Hamer: Tracks that trigger


Doctor R. G. Hamer: Tracks that trigger


The bits that do register are the most important bits of information that will serve as tracks or reminders of the conflict shock scenario. It’s these tracks that will activate conflict activity, even if it is only for a few seconds or minutes, it is enough to set us back into sympathicotonia.

The most common example would be what we know as an “allergic reaction”. We can develop several kinds of allergies over the course of a lifetime. Allergies can be foods, smells, chemicals, pet hair, pollen, grasses etc. Almost everything in our environment we are exposed to at the moment of a DHS can become a potential allergen.

Conventional medicine believes this is an “immune” reaction without understanding why our system has responded. Allergies can take many forms. Some people develop a rash, other’s may get asthma where someone else might get an immediate digestive reaction.

Why are there so many possibilities?

When we look at it through GNM eyes, we can clearly see that the physical response someone had to an “allergen” is really the body telling us what the conflict was all about.

For example, if someone has a skin rash then we know from the GNM perspective that it has to do with a “separation conflict shock”. If it is digestive, then the biological conflict was about the “morsel” and an “indigestible anger” around the event. If someone develops sinus congestion, it’s something we “smelled” or something that “stank” at the moment we had the DHS.

The kinds of reactions we experience are directly related to what the DHS meant to us at that moment and the allergen was merely a part of the conflict shock scenario.

So how does this actually work if this is not a “malfunction in our immune system”?

First we must understand the second biological law “the law of two phases”. The track opens the pathway on the level of the psyche to the original conflict shock. However, we know that the original conflict has been resolved so almost immediately we go into the first half of the healing phase where we experience inflammation, swelling, rashes etc. In other words the allergic reaction.

The allergic reaction is in fact a healing phase reaction. This all happens within seconds of exposure to the track. Then the reaction must run its course, unless you take something like an antihistamine which is really a chemical that suppresses the healing phase by falsely inducing a pseudo “conflict active” phase or “sympathicotonic state” on the physical level.

So how do we get rid of allergies? It’s relatively simple in principle. We have to find the associated DHS and how that “allergen” fit into the conflict scenario at that moment. In the majority of cases, especially with adults, it is possible to eliminate the response by understanding how the allergen is associated with the unanticipated event.




Doctor R. G. Hamer: Tracks that trigger Doctor R. G. Hamer: Tracks that trigger Doctor R. G. Hamer: Tracks that trigger Doctor R. G. Hamer: Tracks that trigger Doctor R. G. Hamer: Tracks that trigger Doctor R. G. Hamer: Tracks that trigger Doctor R. G. Hamer: Tracks that trigger Doctor R. G. Hamer: Tracks that trigger Doctor R. G. Hamer: Tracks that trigger Doctor R. G. Hamer: Tracks that trigger Doctor R. G. Hamer: Tracks that trigger Doctor R. G. Hamer: Tracks that trigger Doctor R. G. Hamer: Tracks that trigger Doctor R. G. Hamer: Tracks that trigger Doctor R. G. Hamer: Tracks that trigger Doctor R. G. Hamer: Tracks that trigger 

Fabio, Sport Masseur
Doctor Hamer: Trees for the forest
Doctor R. G. Hamer EN Official Group
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Doctor Hamer: Trees for the forest;     April 16th, 2014; I got my first nosebleed the moment I arrived home from conducting my first New Medicine seminar. Of course I realized that it was a healing phase of a conflict that had to do with something or a situation that “stank”.

Doctor Hamer: Trees for the forest

Doctor Hamer: Trees for the forest

In those days, I did not have very much experience in the New Medicine and thought that just by understanding the biological conflict that it would stop. No such luck. As a matter of fact, the nosebleeds continued for a few years!

I knew it was difficult to work on “self” and that we can’t see the trees for the forest most times so I had to become very vigilant as to when I had them and what preceded the onset of the nosebleed.

To give you an idea of how I finally got them to stop, I have to explain my own investigative process and observations.

As I already mentioned, my first nosebleed began the moment I got home after conducting my first New Medicine seminar. Of course by that time I was already experienced enough to know that this was somehow connected. But how?
I wracked my brains looking for the DHS, but came to no conclusions.

The second nosebleed I experienced was in the car as I was driving home from Niagara Falls where I had been invited to give a lecture on the New Medicine to breast cancer patients.
It was then that I remembered a DHS that I experienced AT that very first New Medicine seminar in 1994.

I was the organizer and responsible for making the entire event a success. After all no one had heard of Dr. Hamer or the New Medicine. There was also no information in English so I translated the entire Disease Chart so that the attendees would at very least have something to work with.

Everyone was appreciative with the exception of the woman that introduced me to Dr. Hamer’s protégé. In fact, I overheard her saying something to the entire group of attendees that shocked me, but in that moment discarded it because I realized this was her jealousy speaking. However, the damage had been done.

The kind of damage that was done did not become evident until 3 years later when I gave my first New Medicine presentation.

Of course, what we are told is that when you find the biological conflict the process should stop, especially if it’s considered to be a “chronic condition” as my nosebleeds became.
I knew I was on the right track because I actually had a nosebleed when I was talking about them and what I identified as the DHS during a seminar!
From there on, they seemed to increase, which shouldn’t happen if I had found the DHS right?
I had to understand what it was that I was missing and hope that they would stop. This condition actually continued for a few years until I had a startling realization. But first, I have to tell you the process.

I began to become vigilant as to what preceded the nosebleeds so that I could find the trigger or the “common thread”. This process began when I had a nosebleed for the first time in a situation that was completely unrelated to the original event. Or so I thought.

After a few years, the nosebleeds “morphed” and I would have one immediately after hung up the phone with someone I met many years after the original DHS in 1994. It became so predictable that as soon as I hung up the phone I would immediately head for the powder room because at that moment my nose would begin to bleed!

I just couldn’t put my finger on it. However, I had yet more confirmation the event in 1994 was responsible.

At that time, we still had our office in the city and as I was getting dressed and checked my makeup before leaving, I leaned over the bathroom sink to look in the mirror and my nose started bleeding!

I could not believe it. I had no external triggers. I did not have the TV on, no one had spoken with me so I had to assume that it was a thought that triggered the nosebleed.

I decided to try to go back in my own thought process and realized that a few minutes earlier I was thinking very intensely about the original DHS. Of course that confirmed it for me, but how did this unrelated person fit into it as a trigger?

Time went by, and one evening, my husband and I had an argument and immediately afterwards, I had another nosebleed. At that moment I had the opportunity to understand another component of the conflict shock, and that had to do with how I felt.

I felt “insulted” and that was the common thread even though the scenario and the “players” were different. My nosebleeds originated in 1994 with a DHS where I was and felt insulted.
Understanding this aspect has helped me to understand that the emotion one feels at the DHS can also serve as a “track” or trigger right back into the physical reaction.
In my next blog, I will try to explain how this all works.



Doctor Hamer: Trees for the forest Doctor Hamer: Trees for the forest Doctor Hamer: Trees for the forest Doctor Hamer: Trees for the forest Doctor Hamer: Trees for the forest Doctor Hamer: Trees for the forest Doctor Hamer: Trees for the forest Doctor Hamer: Trees for the forest Doctor Hamer: Trees for the forest Doctor Hamer: Trees for the forest Doctor Hamer: Trees for the forest Doctor Hamer: Trees for the forest Doctor Hamer: Trees for the forest Doctor Hamer: Trees for the forest Doctor Hamer: Trees for the forest Doctor Hamer: Trees for the forest Doctor Hamer: Trees for the forest Doctor Hamer: Trees for the forest Doctor Hamer: Trees for the forest 

Fabio, Sport Masseur
GNM Doctor Hamer: A change of direction
Doctor R. G. Hamer EN Official Group

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GNM Doctor Hamer: A change of direction;    April 12th , 2014 
Since I first heard of Dr. Hamer and the “New Medicine” as it was called between 1981 and 2003, my life and healing philosophy has changed quite dramatically.


GNM Doctor Hamer: A change of direction

GNM Doctor Hamer: A change of direction

In 1992 when I first heard about this discovery, I was just an ordinary person working in alternative healing. Practically everything I had believed up to that point was shattered when I heard Hamer speak. However, I also realized that what he was saying was the truth.

Until that very moment even though I had been working in alternative medicine since 1981, I had more questions than answers with respect to the origin of disease and how to go about healing.
I wanted to know everything that he had discovered, but how does one go about it when one doesn’t even know his whereabouts?

I did know he was in Germany and then I asked my friend and colleague who gave me the taped lectures if she knew of any books that he had written. As it happened, her contact in Switzerland knew where one could order books so I went ahead and placed an order for “Cancer Disease of the Soul” and his first edition of “The Legacy of the New Medicine”.

Many weeks later, I had the books and began to translate them for my husband who was eager to see if this man’s healing philosophy was correct.

Needless to say when I began to look at the “Disease Chart” at the back of his book the accuracy of Dr. Hamer’s  work became quite evident. He was spot on in identifying the conflict of each disease we were presented with in our practice. As we investigated further, we realized his observations about how a disease progresses within the 2 phases was also correct.
It was then that I knew I could never go back to the “old way” of dealing with illness.
At that time in my life I was no longer seeing clients. I was kept very busy managing the practice, the clinic and retail end of our business and I dealt with the general public. I remember being so excited about this new information that I literally told everyone that would listen about this extraordinary breakthrough in medicine.

One day, about a year after I began to study Dr. Hamer’s books, someone called me at the practice and said they had heard through the grapevine that I was talking about the New Medicine. She also told me she knew Dr. Hamer personally. I was shocked that word had gotten out so quickly!
Naturally I had to meet this person and find out more so I invited her to have dinner with us one evening.

At that meeting she mentioned she also had close contact with a protégé of Dr. Hamer and that he spoke English. She also said he might be available to give seminars here in Canada.
Of course I jumped at the chance. I had already been sponsoring events in the healing community for some big names in the industry, so to sponsor this protégé of Dr. Hamer would not be difficult.

The following year in August of 1994, THE first New Medicine seminar took place in Toronto.
After that event, there was no doubt in my mind that I had to continue to go in this direction. I had to know more. I needed to know everything.

At that time there was literally nothing available on the New Medicine in English. Practically no one had heard of it in the English speaking world. However, within a couple of years I began to see more evidence that others were beginning to pick up on Dr. Hamer’s research and I would find reference to his work in the oddest places. The problem was that there was nothing credible available in English.

Realizing this and knowing seminar notes would not be provided, I decided that it would be a good idea to translate the “Disease Chart” as it was known then during my vacation about a month prior to the seminar.

That was no easy task because in those days all I had was a word processor, not a laptop computer. Half my vacation was spent sitting in my in-laws den (we were visiting the UK), translating the “Disease Chart” and when we got back to Canada it was proofread and printed just in time for the seminar.

I have to say since I first translated Dr. Hamer’s chart in the summer of 1994, it has been imprinted in my mind. All I had to do in the future was update my body of knowledge as he came out with new discoveries.
It was difficult in the beginning to gain any kind of momentum in raising awareness about the New Medicine especially because we were at the mercy of the fact that knowledgeable people had to come from Europe to provide credible information.

We did not have anything published in English. This was a big obstacle and to some extent still is an obstacle. The only saving grace is that now, we have the internet for GNM information in various languages. However since not all GNM websites are directly associated with Dr. Hamer we know that not all the information out there is correct.

Over the next 3 years it became increasingly difficult to get Dr. Hamer’s protégé here to Canada to give seminars because of his busy schedule so I decided it would be more efficient to have him come to only give seminars to students that already understood the foundations of the New Medicine. The only way to make that happen was to give introductory seminars myself. So in 1997, I gave my first New Medicine seminar.

This was also when I got my very first nosebleed!





GNM Doctor Hamer: A change of direction  GNM Doctor Hamer: A change of direction  GNM Doctor Hamer: A change of direction  GNM Doctor Hamer: A change of direction  GNM Doctor Hamer: A change of direction  GNM Doctor Hamer: A change of direction  GNM Doctor Hamer: A change of direction  GNM Doctor Hamer: A change of direction  GNM Doctor Hamer: A change of direction  GNM Doctor Hamer: A change of direction  GNM Doctor Hamer: A change of direction  GNM Doctor Hamer: A change of direction  GNM Doctor Hamer: A change of direction  GNM Doctor Hamer: A change of direction  GNM Doctor Hamer: A change of direction  

Fabio, Sport Masseur
NMG: Misinterpretation of facts
Doctor R. G. Hamer EN Official Group

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NMG: Misinterpretation of facts     : Misinterpretation of facts; April 8th, 2014   Some years ago I began reading the so called “testimonials” that I found on other web sites and was quite shocked at what I read. NMG: Misinterpretation of facts

NMG: Misinterpretation of facts

One testimonial in particular comes to mind and that is a case of ovarian cancer that this unfortunate person misunderstood as being the result of the “selling of the family house”. Ovarian cancer in 95% of the cases is caused by a “profound loss” conflict that is initiated by the sudden death of a person close to you. For example, in the case of a right handed woman, her left ovary would respond to either losing her mother or a child or a pet she identified with as being her child. The right ovary responds to loss of partner. When we look at “who” qualifies as partner, we have to include father, spouse, siblings, close friends, close business partners as well as a dear pet. A left handed woman would respond with the opposite side of the body. The other 5% of these ovarian cancers are the result of a “partly genital” conflict. An object such as a house never comes into it. I realize this “partly genital” concept is difficult to understand but when we closely examine what Dr. Hamer calls a “partly genital” conflict, we are looking at something a person experienced in a situation with “sexual overtones” that caused a massive rift (interpreted as loss by the psyche) in either a mother/ child or partner relationship. The person that posted this testimonial actually contacted me a couple of years after the testimonial had been posted on another site because she had deteriorated into “metastasis” even though she thought she was cured when she had surgery. I had already read the testimonial and could only shake my head in disbelief at how some people can misinterpret the cause of the problem. Not to mention completely discard the notion that a DHS was responsible for her so called “metastasis”. This misconception was not the fault of the patient, but the so called therapist that misinterpreted Dr. Hamer’s work. Why did she contact me? Her health declined because she also developed another problem that was left unaddressed. Unfortunately she deteriorated beyond anyone’s help, and passed away shortly afterwards. So what was the “real story”? This woman developed the ovarian mass very quickly after the family home was sold some months after her mother’s passing. Her mother’s death was not unanticipated….so what was the conflict? The conflict had to do with the fact that she felt her brother who moved in with mother after their father died had developed what she perceived to be an “unnatural relationship” with his mother. She observed that her mother related to her son the same way she had related to her husband! Of course she also felt there were some “sexual overtones” in this relationship that made her feel uncomfortable. It was NOT the loss of mother that gave her the ovarian cancer, it was the fact that she perceived that her brother had replaced his father in more aspects that she was comfortable with. Of course this was strictly her perception at the time, be it conscious or a subconscious process that created the conflict. Her healing phase that resulted in the ovarian cancer, had nothing to do with the house being sold after her mother’s death even though she was sad to leave it. Also, her mother’s death was anticipated. The solution to what she perceived as an “unnatural relationship” between mother and son was that her bother got into a relationship shortly after his mother died and got married! The fact that the house was sold when she developed the mass gave her closure to what she perceived was going on “under its roof”. The ovarian mass grew very quickly when they prepared to sell the family house. Some conflicts are so painful they are difficult to acknowledge and it is the responsibility of the GNM practitioner to unearth the correct conflict scenario. The only way we are able to do that is to make sure that if the conflict scenario does not match what Dr. Hamer has found in his meticulous research that we keep digging. Don’t accept the patient’s interpretation because some things are too painful to acknowledge. In my next blog I would like to tell you how my life transformed through my personal GNM experiences. However in order for you to understand how my life changed I have to start at the beginning. http://www.warmfit.com/it_IT/groups/doctor-r-g-hamer-en-official-group-1250855151/forum/     NMG: Misinterpretation of facts NMG: Misinterpretation of facts NMG: Misinterpretation of facts NMG: Misinterpretation of facts NMG: Misinterpretation of facts NMG: Misinterpretation of facts NMG: Misinterpretation of facts NMG: Misinterpretation of facts NMG: Misinterpretation of facts NMG: Misinterpretation of facts NMG: Misinterpretation of facts NMG: Misinterpretation of facts NMG: Misinterpretation of facts NMG: Misinterpretation of facts NMG: Misinterpretation of facts NMG: Misinterpretation of facts NMG: Misinterpretation of facts NMG: Misinterpretation of facts NMG: Misinterpretation of facts NMG: Misinterpretation of facts NMG: Misinterpretation of facts 

Fabio, Sport Masseur
GNM: Bridging the gap between theory and reality
Doctor R. G. Hamer EN Official Group

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GNM: Bridging the gap between theory and reality;   April 4th, 2014 .  The purpose of this blog which is about my personal experiences and observations in the GNM, is to bridge the gap between theory and reality.  I’m sure you are all asking why are there not more people practising the GNM on a level of efficacy. I have concluded the following:

 GNM: Bridging the gap between theory and reality

Bridging the gap between theory and reality


1. The GNM has been presented strictly on a theoretical level by non-practitioners without any experience.

2. Most people studying the GNM feel that their belief system is so challenged by this new way of looking at disease, that they cannot make the transition from their chosen modality to just using the GNM.

3. People trying to put the GNM to practice are not taught the “methodology” to use the GNM properly by the non-practitioners that have been teaching it.  This can be very disheartening.

The question that most people ask is, “OK, I understand the Five Biological Laws, but what is the treatment and how do I go about applying it?”.

What I have observed from the information that is available to the general public through the internet, and other so called practitioners, is that people are led to believe that if you are in the healing phase, they are told ”Don’t worry, be happy and get on with it! Pain is good! You can handle it because it will run its course”, without truly understanding that if the pain is long lasting and extreme then there is something else going on that is responsible for it.

In fact there could be other “conflict active phases” responsible for severe pain and swelling.

Remember, each conflict active phase is initiated by a shock (DHS).

For example, the kidney collecting tubules could be active with one of four possible biological conflicts, an existence conflict, isolation or abandonment conflict or a refugee conflict. They all have one thing in common and that is that each of these situations is experienced as a threat to one’s existence. The moment such a conflict occurs, a very unique survival mechanism begins to affect the system, and that mechanism is “fluid retention”.

In the GNM we call this the “kidney collecting tubule syndrome” KCTS for short and it can compromise any given healing phase going on in the body by increasing the associated swelling in an inflammatory process.
With more inflammation and swelling there is always more pain. With the KCTS the healing phase is also longer and more drawn out. For example, an osteoarthritis which involves inflammation of the joints. These biological healing processes should not last longer than 6-8 weeks. If they have lasted longer, then we have to look at the existence of KCTS.

In the more serious realm, this can also compromise conditions such as pleural effusion (fluid buildup in between the pleural membranes which surround the lungs), pericardial effusion (fluid buildup in the heart sac which surrounds the heart), and ascites (fluid buildup in the abdominal cavity). If there is a KCTS then these conditions can become life threatening.

I have observed that in most cases of serious diagnosis, such as cancers or even conditions like MS that compromise function, the patient immediately develops an “existence” conflict because at that moment, their existence is threatened by the diagnosis!

So how does one deal with getting rid of the KCTS?

In order to resolve or “release” this issue from the psyche, we have to find the moment in time that this biological conflict was initiated by the DHS. Even though the patient in the meantime may have found the GNM and the Five Biological Laws, just knowing the principles is not enough to “get rid of” the KCTS. We have to find the moment in time the patient’s survival was threatened to get the results we are looking for.



GNM: Bridging the gap between theory and reality GNM: Bridging the gap between theory and reality GNM: Bridging the gap between theory and reality GNM: Bridging the gap between theory and reality GNM: Bridging the gap between theory and reality GNM: Bridging the gap between theory and reality GNM: Bridging the gap between theory and reality GNM: Bridging the gap between theory and reality GNM: Bridging the gap between theory and reality GNM: Bridging the gap between theory and reality GNM: Bridging the gap between theory and reality GNM: Bridging the gap between theory and reality GNM: Bridging the gap between theory and reality GNM: Bridging the gap between theory and reality GNM: Bridging the gap between theory and reality GNM:

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