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Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law
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Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law;  the role of germs in disease and healing

Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law

Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law

The little germs that surround and fill our bodies sure do have a bad rap these days. I’m scared of chemicals, so to me it seems as though there has been a wave of “germophobia” in the last couple decades that has everyone dousing themselves in all kinds of microbe-killing chemicals to ward off the threat posed by these invisible creatures.

It wasn’t always so; we haven’t been so terrified of cooties all along. But when our society did start being scared of microscopic organisms, we walloped them with every weapon we could get our hands on!

In the 1950’s spirit of “better living through chemistry,” housewives painted their kitchen shelves with DDT and lead to ward off the evil infectious spirits, and practically every little kid in North America had his tonsils removed because they were thought to harbour germs believed to be the cause of everything from sore throats to polio.

Rachel Carson was the first to really point out the rising suspicion that the chemicals being used to kill off germs were much more dangerous to our health – and the health of many other species – than the germs themselves. In 1962, she wrote a book called “Silent Spring” that set off the entire environmental movement. Those of you who, like me, are afraid of chemical toxins in the world around you, can thank Rachel Carson for triggering the environmental movement that made us all aware of the dangers of chemicals.

I wish she’d also dealt with the non-dangers of germs while she was at it. Despite the rise of “chemophobia,” a lot of people in our society are still more terrified of germs. It is the primary justification for our massive chemical sales industry – not to mention the very lucrative market for antibiotics and other germ-killing drugs!

Fear of cancer due to chemicals competes with fear of infection due to germs, in some kind of horrible balancing act that keeps many people in a state of near-constant hypochondriacal compulsiveness.

But now we know what really causes cancer and infection, so it’s time for society to stop being terrified, and start taking charge of our health.

So, what really is the role of germs – fungi, mycobacteria, bacteria, viruses – in disease? How do these microscopic critters fit into what we now know about the real causes and progression of the disease and healing process?

Germs are in our bodies all the time – yes, even cholera, tetanus and the other dreaded infectious microbes. But they only flare up and do anything under very specific circumstances.

Certain microbes, if present in our bodies at the time of the original DHS (conflict-shock experience), will participate, but only in the healing phase, of diseases.

This means that germs are neither the cause of the diseases – we know what the true cause of diseases is – nor are they participants in the conflict-active phase of any disease.


Microbes, if present, participate in the healing phase of diseases by opportunistically consuming excess tissues that the body no longer needs when it moves into the healing phase of a disease process.

Even more specifically, infection-related germs only participate in old-brain governed disease healing processes.

When the psyche, brain and body function of old-brain biological processes are activated by a conflict-shock experience, the relevant old-brain directs the body to create more and more tissue in the affected body area in order to increase the functional capability of that tissue.

Later, when the conflict experience is resolved, the psyche and brain “shut off” these excess tissues that were built during the conflict-active phase, because they are no longer necessary to the body. In fact, they’re now just clutter. As a result of being shut off, the extra tissue becomes dead tissue.

Germs – fungi, mycobacteria, and bacteria – will consume this extra, dead tissue. They will not consume live tissue that is still being innervated (electrically-controlled) by the brain.

The resulting microscopic population explosion that occurs as a result of the germ population in that part of the body suddenly having a new “food” source is called “infection.” However, the idea that the germs cause the infection is a deeply unscientific cultural myth that has been scaring our society into buying a lot of expensive (and sometimes dangerous) chemicals and medications for about six or seven decades now.

(Actually, the germ theory of disease has been around a bit longer than that, but it was only in the 40’s and 50’s that the general population rejected its flaws, embraced the theory, and got into the ecologically-dangerous practice of actually trying to eradicate germs from our bodies and our surroundings )

Microorganisms do not cause disease, they are simply participants in the removal of dead tissues. This is exactly analogous to the fact that insects do not cause garbage, but are often opportunistic participants in the breakdown of garbage.

In Nature, there is no waste. Energy that was brought into our bodies as extra tissue to try and deal with a situation that we didn’t have enough energy to deal with at the moment that it occurred does not linger in the body after it is no longer needed. Instead, the same thing happens to it as happens to the rest of our body after we are no longer using it: fungi, mycobacteria, and bacteria consume the materials that were once part of our body, and they convert that energy back into usable materials that can be used by the food web for the rest of the Community of Life.

If creation continues for our entire lives, so does death and recycling. Ashes to ashes.

Microbes in Our Ontogeny

The participation of germs in healing of our diseases has evolved right along with the formation of our four brains and our four body systems.

Because of this, the very oldest functions of our body involve one oldest type of animal microbes – the fungi. Fungi particularly become active in our very oldest body function, relating to getting food morsels into and out of our bodies. This means that fungi – such as candida yeasts – are the active microbes during the healing phase of conflict experiences that have involved our intestinal tract.

Later in history, more complicated digestive functions, such as the processing of air, water, and light, were also governed by the old-brain. These more sophisticated functions still involve microbes, but more sophisticated microbes called mycobacteria, which are usually called tuberculosis. Mycobacteria are single-celled creatures that have the properties of both fungus and bacteria.

Tuberculosis mycobacteria, if they were present in the body at the time of a DHS relating to a problem with processing air, water, or light, participate in the healing phase of conflicts that involved the lungs, the kidney collecting tubules, or the irises of the eyes.

The other old-brain function, our protective corium skin that envelops our body and several of our vital internal organ systems, builds tissue during the conflict-active phase of an experience of “attack” against our physical body. Bacteria, which are more sophisticated than mycobacteria or fungi, participate in the breakdown of these extra protective tissues when the conflict has been resolved.

Hey, What About Viruses?

The whole theory of pathogenic (disease-causing) viruses is seriously flawed. The idea of a bit of dead DNA that can’t even reproduce itself somehow coordinating en masse to invade a living, intelligently-designed cell millions or billions of times larger than itself, then taking over the cell’s entire reproductive apparatus in order to duplicate itself, and then killing the cell in order to meaninglessly go on to attack even more cells…

… well, “far-fetched” is a gentle way of putting the hypothesis.

In fact, a disease-causing virus has never, ever been isolated, characterized and described. Viruses have never even been collected from diseased tissues in order to blame them for causing the diseases. Pathogenic viruses are completely hypothetical.

Nevertheless, if disease-causing viruses exist, they are participants in the healing phase of new-brain governed diseases, which would mean that they participate by helping to re-build deteriorated tissues that are controlled by the new-brain. This means that, if they exist, they are somehow present while bone, blood, lymph, muscle, and skin tissues heal themselves.

Perhaps viruses, which are really little bits of inert DNA that aren’t complete enough to do any kind of lifelike activity, are used as raw material to physically repair tissues that have been lost in the conflict-active phase of a disease.

The Appropriate Use of Antibiotics and Germ-Killing Chemicals

Antibiotics do not need to be used to completely eliminate microbes from our bodies, because these microbes for the most part are actually helpers in our system, participating in the process of dissolving and clearing out tissues that we no longer need for our optimal functioning. Antibiotics can be helpful, however, if they are used sparingly in order to reduce severe healing phase symptoms that follow the resolution of a severe conflict-shock experience.

As for using germ-killing chemicals to sanitize our external environment, this practice has gone way overboard in our daily lives. Good old soap and water is the the best choice in 95% of all situations. We do need to keep our homes and bodies clean and tidy, but banishing all microscopic life from the world around us is not only impossible and unnecessary, the attempt to do so is ecologically very, very damaging. Therefore, it is a threat to our own overall health and well-being.

The only reason we need to keep our bodies and homes somewhat clean and tidy, is because an organized life is one in which we are much less likely to encounter conflict experiences (such as stepping on a rusty nail, not being able to conveniently create a good meal, or sleeping in a cold bed) that could lead to disease symptoms. In fact, an experience of filthiness or dirtiness in and of itself can constitute a conflict-shock experience.

But, for people like me that are scared of harsh chemicals, a noseful of bleach or the taste of strong hand-sanitizer chemicals on my lips constitutes a much worse offense to my psyche, brain, and body than does a bit of mud.

Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological La

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